Cost & Support

Cost & Support

The Cost of a CIB Education

Charnock Institute of the Bible maintains a tuition cost of less than one-third of the average private college’s tuition. Though affordable, your support is invaluable. Those investing in the lives of Pastors, Missionaries, Bible Teachers, etc. will share in all that graduates ever accomplish in ministry and life. You may support CIB and its ministries, students and staff by donating through (simply designate it). All donations are tax-deductible.


Undergraduate Costs

Full-time 4-year undergrad interns will receive a locked monthly payment plan (beginning June 1st) with regular registration fees ($50 per semester or 3 per year). Interns do not pay tuition for summer session classes; but do pay the registration fee.

All full-time students must obtain an Apple laptop (MacBook, MacBook Pro, or MacBook Air, etc.). You may use other laptops at your risk; and you are responsible for obtaining the software which is equivalent to the software used by the College.

Regular Costs

For College Credit

Registration                    $50 per semester (non-refundable)
Tuition                           $800 per course (3 credits)
Housing                         $300 per month as available (available in Payette area only; space is limited; contact CIB office for info and availability) Housing needs will be posted; simply provide your contact information so that others needing housing can contact you.
Meals                              All students are responsible for their own meals.
Books & Supplies      Plan on roughly $300 – $400 average per Semester. However, your first Semester will normally be the most expensive.

For Audit

Audit Registration         $25 per semester (non-refundable)
Audit Fee                        $400 per class

Some part-time students must obtain an Apple laptop (MacBook, MacBook Pro or MacBook Air). Please contact CIB to find out if your class has this requirement.

Graduate-Level Costs (Masters Programs)

$100      Registration Fee.

$1,000 Per-Course. We understand that evaluations will differ in types of course work. This is an estimated cost only. Payment Schedules are Available.

Payment Plans

CIB offers several payment plans:

1. Complete payment (due one month before classes begin (each semester), including summer sessions)

2. Three payment plan (Part-time students only)

3. Monthly payment plan (Full-time students only)

Late Fees

Registration Late Fee = $30

Registration fees are due one month before classes begin. After this deadline, a $20 late fee will be charged. This late fee will be applied every month it is left unpaid.

Tuition Late Fee = $50

This will be charged to all tuition payments that are more than five business days late. This late fees will be applied every month they are left unpaid. A service charge of 1.5% of the unpaid balance will be charged per month on all accounts that are more than one month overdue.

Dorm Payment Late Fee = $5 per day

Dorm Fees are due on the 1st of each month. A fee of $5 a day will be charged for late Dorm payments.

Students who are experiencing a financial hardship on any given month should notify the Registrar as soon as possible to avoid some of these fees.

Concerning All Available Scholarship(s)

The following scholarships are available to qualified full-time applicants. To keep your Scholarship Status you must maintain a quality level of performance. Poor performance scholastically, or in conduct, will cause the students to loose this status. The student must maintain a good standing with CIB in 1. Character,  2. College Work,  3. Financial obligations.  Late papers and late payments will potentially negate any scholarship with CIB.

Missionary Scholarship (50% of Tuition)

Missionary Scholarships are available to either of the following:

1) Students who have been on the mission field outside of the U.S. in a full-time capacity for at least 2 years.

2) Students whose parents are full-time missionaries outside of the U.S. and the student has been living with their missionary parents for the last two years.

3) The combined household income does not exceed $50,000.

Please contact the Registrar for more information.

Timothy Scholarship (50% of Tuition)

Two Available – This scholarship applies to the Knowing God Program only.  The Timothy Scholarship program is available to two potential students each year who have demonstrated a unique commitment to serving Jesus Christ in Summer Camps and regular service throughout the year at their Church. Potential applicants must be in good standing with their Church and demonstrate consistency of ministry by submitting the Timothy Scholarship application. Please contact the Registrar for more information.

Other Financial Assistance

Financial assistance in the form of paying smaller amounts over a longer period of time may be available upon request.

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